LifeSquared Counseling & Consulting is made up of passionate independent mental health professionals that work as private practitioners in our next generation therapeutic environment.

Mitch Gray, LPC, LCDC, MS Counseling Psychology

  • Licensed Professional Counselor

  • Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor

  • Owner and Founder of LifeSquared Counseling & Consulting

Who I am and what I believe

AGES 20 and Up: I work successfully with diverse populations of clients from early adulthood to seniors, individually, couples & groups simply desiring to better navigate through their lives. I know personally what struggles are and what it means to find a place and a time to readjust, reorient, and refocus.

Prior to going back to school at age 50 to become a Therapist, I worked for 30 years in Corporate America (Fortune 500 & 100) as a Training Specialist, Business Analyst, and People Leader helping people be better, stronger and faster for their organization. Now I use that experience and strength in my therapeutic approach to help people achieve "better, stronger and faster" for themselves.

Pressures are evolving today. People are experiencing pain points differently than ever before.  Technology, social media, employment demands, learning capabilities, corporate climbing, home, family, love, lifestyles, health & substances are impacting each of us in new and unique ways we often never thought possible.

I am where I am now because of struggle, determination, goal setting, will power, hard work, accountability, guidance and phenomenal counseling & mentoring by powerfully important people in my life.  I personally don’t spend lots of time in the world of “shoulda, woulda, coulda”.  Staying back there prevents me from moving forward with the knowledge I've gained about my past by asking myself and being asked tough questions about my own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  

If you are struggling or are just kind of stuck with no movement and no hope of change, let's work together to get you unstuck.  My focus is on knowledge-based decision making, learning about what is working and what is not working, and understanding the thinking and feelings around behaviors.

Let's get started finding a new way of doing things to get you what you want!